Mathematica on RAAD

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Versions available on RAAD

  1. 9.0
  2. 11.0.1

Loading Mathematica Module

module load mahtmetica/<version>

Starting Mathemtica in Interactive Mode

Although it is not recommended practice to run softwares in Graphical mode on HPC Cluster, but if you have genuine need for this, you can follow below procedure for Mathematica;

After logging into RAAD, Submit interactive job requesting number of Cores, Memory and walltime your job may require. Since this is a shared system, the requested resources aren’t available right away upon request. You might have to wait for some time until you land into some compute node with requested resources. Below script will submit an interactive job requesting 8 cores with 16gb of memory and these resources are allocated to you for 8 hours.

qsub -IV -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=16gb -l walltime=08:00:00
[muarif092@raad ~]$ qsub -IV -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=16gb -l walltime=08:00:00
qsub: waiting for job 5505307.raad-mgmt to start
qsub: job 5505307.raad-mgmt ready
[muarif092@n14 ~]$

Once you land into some compute node, next step is to setup DISPLAY variable to allow Graphical session to appear on Desktop/Laptop you are working on. Assuming that you are working with our recommended Xterm client "MobaXterm", you need to issue below statement on RAAD in same terminal;

[muarif092@n14 ~]$export DISPLAY=<IP_Address of your machine>:0.0

Simple way to locate IP for your machine is from MobaXterm new terminal. Second line from top will tell your IP address e.g "Your DISPLAY is set to 192.192.x.x:0.0"

Now you can load Mathematica module by issuing below statement;

[muarif092@n14 ~]$module load mathematica/<version>

Finally, launch Mathematica in Interactive mode

[muarif092@n14 ~]$mathematica

If prompted for license information, you should enter "rc-lics" without quote in license server field.