NI Labview Software
Research computing is supporting only 2014 and 2016 version of this software.
Setup Files
TAMUQ users can find setup files at "P:\Office of Research\Research Computing\RC\LabView"
2014 Version: "P:\Office of Research\Research Computing\RC\LabView\Lab View 2014"
2016 Version: "P:\Office of Research\Research Computing\RC\LabView\Lab View 2016"
Installation Process
Step 01: Navigate to "P:\Office of Research\Research Computing\RC\LabView\" directory and choose Labview 2014 or LabView 2016 directory.
Step 02: Double click on "setup.exe" and click "Next"
Step 03: In next window, you will be asked for "Select Installation Option" choose "I have Serial numbers for one or more products" and check "Select and activate products"
Step 04: You will be asked to Enter Serial numbers.
Step 05: Copy serial number from "P:\Office of Research\Research Computing\RC\LabView\Serial.txt" and paste in the field next to "Add Serial Number".
Step 06: Click "Add serial Number". At this point, Installer will connect to the internet and will add the serial number. You should see "Academic Site License" added.
Step 07: In next step, select the components you want to install. If you want to install Device drivers, please select accordingly at this step.
Step 08: On the "Product Information" screen, retain the default setting and click "Next".
Step 09: On the "Product Notifications" screen, click "Next".
Step 10: On the "Destination Directory" screen, retain the defaults and click "Next".
Step 11: On the "License Agreements" screen, click the radio button to accept all license agreements and click "Next".
Step 12: On the 2nd "License Agreements" screen, again click the radio button to accept all license agreements and click "Next".
Step 13: On the "Activate Your Products" screen, select the option to defer activation until product launch. Click "Next".
Step 14: The next screen will confirm the installation components to be installed. After this screen, the installation will begin.
Step 15: Once the installation is completed, you should see a screen confirming "All products installed successfully". Click "Next".
Step 16: You will be asked to reboot the computer. You should save your open files and proceed with reboot.
Once you reboot your system and launch LabView, you may see a utility that asks whether you’d like to check for updates to currently installed NI software. You may do so if you wish. Use of the utility is straightforward and self‐explanatory.
License Activation
Step 01: Launch LabView from: Start -> All Programs -> National Instruments -> LabVIEW 2015 SP1
Step 02: When the LabVIEW window opens, click on the “Activate Products” button. On the next screen, retain the option to active automatically through the internet and click “Next”.
Step 03: On the following screen, the relevant serial number will already be present in the two text fields; click “Next”.
Step 04: On the following screen, if you do not already have an NI profile, select the option to create a new profile and click “Next”.
Step 05: Fill out your profile details appropriately; click “Next”.
Step 06: Click “Next” on the following page. Activation will now take place (make sure your network connection is good). Click “Finish” on the final page.
Step 08: You may also activate any additional NI components (such as SignalExpress) by launching the NI License Manager (Start -> All Programs -> National Instruments -> NI License Manager). Just highlight the component to activate in the tree view on the left and click the “Activate” button near the top left of the window.
Step 09: The process is the same as described above; simply use the NI profile you already established instead of entering all your details in the system again.